2 week update…

IMG_8306It’s only been 2 weeks since we’ve become a family of 5 but somehow it feels longer. Liyana has just fit right in. She eats, poops and sleeps like a trooper and according to her brother’s she is “lame and boring” LOL!!! They want interaction. They constantly smother her, I actually feel sorry for the poor kid. I suppose this is setting the tone for a life with older brothers who will always be in your business. It’s taken Rameez a week or so to warm up to her. At first he would play with her but then say that she’s not his sister, its Anees’ sister. Until today. He ran in the room while I was feeding her and started trying to hug and kiss her and then asked if he could hold her. When he did he kissed her on the forehead and said ” I love my sister”. My heart melted.IMG_8349

While my heart has been melting at the way these 3 have been bonding my head has been hurting from the incessant talking and bickering and fighting over who gets to do what with their sister. Yes its endearing but FEK I need a break from these kids. It’s just getting too noisy in my head. I’ve been feeling claustrophobic because I havent been able to drive and recovery has taken longer this time than previously. Yesterday I felt like I was let out of jail as I took the car and drove the boys to school. Rameez went to school yesterday for the first time and he Loved it!! You know how they say there’s a time and place for everything. After chatting to him the night before I could hear and feel his excitement and I could feel that the right time was upon us. I took him to school with clear instructions to him that he is not allowed to go to Anees’ class. He had to stay in his own class and make his own friends. I always wanted Rameez to establish his own identity. I felt like he needs to learn to be his own person and not just live in the shadows of being Anees’ brother. This was the main reason for not sending him to school earlier. I also felt like Anees needed his own space and I didn’t want Rameez to infringe on Anees’ personal space by being at the same school and being a tail. So things worked out great! Rameez walked into school and was taken to his own class. I explained to him that if he wanted to come home he should ask the teacher to call me. He looked at me timidly and asked “Mom, Can I go?” I thought he was going to burst into tears and say the he wanted to go home. I asked him where would he like to go and with a huge smile on his face he pointed at the other kids and when I said Yes, he had run off. I was so proud. I said Good-Bye and told the school that I would not be checking in on him later and that they should call if there were any problems. I didn’t hear a word from them and Zaid went to pick up the boys at lunch time and Rameez couldn’t stop talking about his day at school. So Anees will probably be taking the rest of the year off and spend some QT with me while I’m on leave and we will happily send Rameez off to school.

I’m contemplating going back to work in December. Staying at home feels so unstimulating. Yes, i know I need 6 weeks for my body to recover! I’ve already started counting the days until I go back to gym. I need more than this though. The cooking, shopping, mani’s, pedi’s, coffee dates and lying on the couch is a tad overrated in my opinion. You can only do so much of that before it too becomes monotonous.

I’m so glad to have had Zaid at home with me for the last 3 weeks, his leave is unfortunately coming to and end on the 12 November. We will be squeezing in quite a few fun dates before then. I’m so relieved Liyana took the bottle with formula (gasp, what a bad mother am I? LOL) like a champ. I can leave her without the stress of worrying that I need to be back for her next feed and its been such a relief, there’s no pressure or stress this time around and I’m sure it will be in the best interest of my mental well-being. I wish I could bottle up all of this “3rd time mom” wisdom. I do whatever feels right and not what the books dictate is supposed to be right. With all due respect to the authors of Baby Sense and the likes of “What to expect in the first year”. The problem with those books is that the baby hasn’t read it so she doesn’t know whats expected of her so if she doesn’t do what the book said she would do after I did EVERYTHING I was supposed to do (according to the book) I would go batty!!! LOL 😉 I know to works for some people and that’s great but in my case it did more harm than good.

I had a friend of mine up from CT for the weekend and boy was that good for my soul. She GETS ME!!!! She gets my mothering style and my need for independence and to be seen as an individual. I missed her! Look forward to lots more visits and laughs together 😉 We had so much fun as I helped her choose an outfit for her night out, I was trying to be fashion consultant while breastfeeding Liyana. Poor kid choked on some milk and we giggled as I apologized to Liyana and explained to her that one day she would understand the fashion emergency and the need to find the ‘right’ outfit LOL!

We had the most gorgeous party for Liyana and I look forward to uploading the pics soon.

Until then…


Things I’m Grateful For…

1. An uncomplicated pregnancy

2. Toasted Cheese.

3. Wimpy across the road from work that delivers my toasted cheese!

4. Still fitting into my pre pregnancy jeans! Yes the top button and zipper are open but it still goes all the way up! Yay for the the Yummy Mummy Band to hide my open zipper! Lol!

5. Pyjamas – a preggy girl’s dream outfit!

6. Flexi hour at work

7. This mild winter we are having.

8. Hot Showers

9. A roof over my head

10. A warm bed at the end of the day!


Groundhog Day

Ever watch the Bill Murray Classic Groundhog Day? Ever feel like you’re caught in that movie? Well I do! Life.can.be.so.monotonous. Get up, get dressed, go to work, come home, make dinner, get kids ready for bed, have the same arguments with them every night. Lie on the couch watch tv, sleep, get up and repeat!

Maybe I’m just feeling this way because we are fasting and there’s been no ladies nights or date nights and because we now have dinner at exactly the same time every night! Yawn! Give me spontaneity and excitement over monotony and the mundane any day!!!!

My anxiety levels have also increased! A friends son was shot the other night and now I’m on the alert and anxious because we can so easily become victims of crime.

Staying at home with the boys the other day also scared me a little. I’m terrified of being at home on maternity leave!!! 3 KIDS!!! with no work to escape to! I’m considering going back after 6 weeks. I can’t do the stay at home thing! Everybody is telling me I’ll feel different because I’ll have the daughter that I longed for but I’m just not the doting mother type. I just generally am not a ‘baby’ person! I always thought I was until I had babies! I prefer 5 year olds! They’re cooler! LOL!

Too.much.anxiety!!! Can’t wait for therapy next Thursday!!


So…… IT’s A(pparently) A GIRL!!! #preggygirlproblems

I had a gynae check up this morning and the doctor is now certain that I’m having a girl!!!! She advised me at the last appointment that she thought that she had made a mistake. I told her that I didn’t want to get excited about it. I know what we both saw at the last appointment and I also know that it’s the same thing that we both saw at this appointment! From what I saw today I think it’s a girl!!! Zaid hasn’t been going with to the appointments because I’ve been seeing the doctor at 7 30 am before she starts her IVF procedures.

Why am I so hesitant to be celebrating then? Because my fragile heart would not be able to handle the disappointment twice! Just yesterday I had blogged about how I had made peace with the idea that we would be welcoming another son. Even though I’m weary I can’t help having a tinge of excitement again. Friends have told me to go else where for a scan to confirm. We have decided to wait until my next appointment on the 7th August and then we have a 4D scan booked at Storks Nest Clinic on the 16th August. The 4D scan is done by a different practitioner and MAYBE just MAYBE we’ll believe this news after that! LOL! 😉

I could very easily book a scan at a clinic down the road from me but maybe this will be a good lesson in relinquishing control to the universe and the powers that be and just for once “being” and accepting things as they turn out to be.

Anees was confirmed a boy at 16 weeks and we found out at 12 weeks that Rameez was going to be a boy so when the gynae saw “boy” at 15 weeks there was no reason to suspect that she could be wrong.

When I told Anees what the doctor said he was over the moon! He started jumping around and then he tells me that he knew it!! LOL! I wonder if kids do really have a sixth sense for this or has the fact that he’s been referring to the baby as a girl been a sheer co-incidence? Zaid surprised us by arriving at gymnastics this afternoon and he couldn’t stop grinning!! Oh well! I guess only time will tell what’s in store for us.



This is a hashtag I’ve been using on FB for all things pregnancy related. From the Coca Cola addiction which seems to be common amongst all my pregnancies to the growth spurts us pregnant women go through where one day we still fit into a particular item of clothing only to try it on a few days later and find that it’s too tight! Bleh!

This morning I had a #preggygirlproblem that made me smile. When you’re in a light sleep and then you feel those little nudges and kicks from a tiny bundle inside of you. I have felt movement before but it’s been more like somersaults. I thought I was dreaming only to realize that the kicks were a reality. I think it’s something that I’m appreciating more because I know that this is the last time that I will ever be pregnant. We are more than blessed to have 3 children and there will be no more after this. It’s amazing what a change in thinking can do. This will be the last time that I have to endure any #preggygirlproblems and all of a sudden I want to savor them and capture all of them so I suspect there will be a lot more blogging!

I read through my blog last night! All of it! From the first to the last post and I love the way it makes every experience feel so real and tangible because there are photos and raw emotion captured within these posts. It hit me! That despite not being able to do other stuff that make me feel alive while pregnant this is the ONE thing I can do that still feeds my soul. I often think of stuff I want to blog about and then think that maybe the post will be too whiny but bugger that it’s my blog and I’ll whine if I want to!! LOL!

We used to call Anees ‘Bubs’ while he was in my tummy, I can’t for the life of me remember if Rameez had an endearing name in utero and I think No 3 needs a name before his arrival. I think that I’ve been so busy trying to ‘ignore’ the pregnancy since my disappointment with the news that it’s another boy,that my sleeping a lot and has been an avoidance tactic and quite ironically my all day nausea was my little boys reminder to me that he is very much a part of my being and going to be a part of my life.

Happy Sunday

July, already?!?!

I knew it had been a while since I blogged but I had no idea that it had
been THAT long!

Can’t believe I’m at 24 weeks already. My ‘all day sickness’ seems to be going away! Thank goodness! I know some women have had to deal with nausea right until birth. I’ve been ‘taking things easy’. Being pregnant in winter has its rewards. It is the season of hibernation and I have no problems doing just that while the bun in my oven bakes away! Lol! Even though I’m ‘enjoying’ the sleeping, that’s really the ONLY thing I enjoy about pregnancy, it makes me feel like I’m not ‘alive’! There is no heart pumping, blood racing action in any way. No getting lost in my head on the spinning bike or wild nights out (I can barely stay awake passed 10). Shopping is not fun anymore as everything that I could possibly fit into is anything but flattering! What is up with maternity clothes!!????!!!!!

Being pregnant makes me feel in limbo and that’s not something I’m comfortable with. When I’m in limbo my mind starts working overtime.

All you do is wait, wait until your next Gynae appointment and ponder the imminent birth and wonder how exactly your life is going to change and if you’ll be better prepared the third time round because you certainly weren’t the first 2 times (even though you thought you were). Now you have memories to remind you how hard those first few months or even first year actually is and all you want to do is maybe, hopefully get by it without sinking into a deep dark hole like you did the first 2 times. You ponder what strategies and coping mechanisms you can put into place to ease that feeling of being overwhelmed by a newborn who is completely and utterly dependant on you and then you realize that maybe you’re thinking too much and you might just be better off on an anti-depressant because sometimes feeling numb is better than feeling things the way you do, with every fibre of your being that your heart eventually begins to physically ache and your throat and chest physically start closing in on you because you feel so lost and scared! True story!!!!

I can’t stand the waiting. Although this pregnancy does seem to be going by a lot quicker than the others.

The boys have been great. Quite excited about the idea of a sibling on most days! Some days when Rameez is irritating Anees, Anees always looks at me and will say ‘I hate Rameez! What am I going to do with another brother!’
Anees often still says ‘she’ when he refers to the baby. We have to remind him that it’s another brother for him and he says ‘Its ok mom, we’ll still love him’. The dynamic of the boys reaction to the baby is something I find quite exciting. I think Rameez is in for a bit of a shock and I hope the adjustment is not too traumatic for him.


Just realized that this is my 200th blog post! Happy Happy for me 😉

A poem about gender disappointment..

I am a mother,
Who has dreams I’m afraid may not come true,
I dream of the day
Of holding a bundle of pink or blue….

Maybe I’m dreaming of pink,
A daughter who could one day be,
A strong but soft woman
A newer version of me….

Maybe I’m dreaming of blue,
A son to be strong, but kind,
A sweet little boy,
To grow into a good man in time…

So please don’t judge me,
Or these feelings I can’t change,
They may seem unknown to you,
Bad or strange…..

Please keep in mind,
Even if I’m not given my dream,
I carry a love within me
That may be unseen…

I will love my child,
Boy or girl,
And I will hold and kiss them just the same,
And they will be my world…

Even though I’m disappointed,
It’s not with what was given to me,
It’s disappointment for a world,
That I might never be blessed to see….

Source : http://www.in-gender.com/forum/thread.aspx?ID=13643

To the daughter I’ll never have…

I found out today that I am pregnant with my 3rd son. I’m shattered. Grateful to be blessed with a healthy baby boy and the ability to conceive while so many others struggle. It’s not the first time I’m disappointed but this time I feel the pain tenfold because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I don’t want any more children. I was disappointed when I found out Baby Number 2 was a boy too. Now I can’t imagine my life without Rameez as I’m sure I won’t be able to imagine my life without the new bundle of joy once he arrives.

I just yearned for a companion in the house. Someone who I could do things with. Make pigtails for and dress in pink frocks. Someone who I could relate to. I see the bond that Zaid and the boys have an I’ve always felt envious. This was my last chance for a daughter. While I know that this experience with my 3rd son will be different because he is different and I am different too I’m still faced with all of a sudden being so unexcited about this pregnancy and his arrival.

I’m so frazzled today that I couldn’t even remember my debit card pin code!!!!

I need to acknowledge these feelings of sadness and disappointment so that I can move pass it.

Dear Daughter,

For some reason our relationship was never meant to be. I don’t know what exactly those reasons are but I just needed to say that I wish things had been different. Wish I could’ve seen you swirling in the wind with your hair loose and your dress billowing around you. Wish I could’ve had late night heart to hearts with you about how difficult,unfair,beautiful,crazy and manic life as a woman can be. Wish I could’ve helped you pick an outfit for your first date and even your wedding. Wish I could’ve passed on my pearls of wisdom as you fall in love and decide to have children and become a mother yourself. Alas it wasn’t meant to be.


In the blink of an eye…

I can’t believe that in the blink of an eye I’ve gone from feeling ‘off’ and ‘not myself’ to finding out I’m not only pregnant but that the better part of the first trimester had almost passed. The first scan revealed a tiny little human with a healthy heartbeat and flaying arms and legs. And now 14 weeks in I’m sporting a baby bump!!! Is this how it happens the 3rd time around?

I had forgotten how your body really just does it’s own thing and it seems that with each pregnancy the preprogrammed body responses just kick in sooner and sooner.


Hello baby bump!!! I don’t recall when I first ‘showed’ in my previous pregnancies. Just last week I felt like I just looked a tad ‘tubby’ but this week I’m incapable on sucking my tummy in! Lol! I seem to have skipped that awkward transition phase where for a month or so you just look like you’ve eaten too much! I feel like I look like I’m 6 months already and as excited as I am about a baby bump I’m terrified of the months ahead. I don’t do pregnancy well! I’m not one of those elegant pregnant woman. I’m the pregnant woman with elephant feet from 5 months. I think my feet might already be looking a bit elephant like!!!! And good lord! My nose develops a mind of its own too and swells to 10 times it’s size! I’ve got a face full of pimples that I don’t normally have. Eeeeeeek! Where’s my beautiful glowing pregnancy skin? As ‘ beautiful’ as being pregnant is it’s something that can be physically exhausting and I’m yet to to meet a gorgeous glowing pregnant woman in person! I only ever see that type on the front cover of magazines or if she’s a supermodel like Lee Ann Liebenberg. I follow her on Instagram and was astounded at how gracefully and elegantly she does pregnancy and Fek she even looked good 5 days after her c section as she posted a pic of her and her husband out on date night! 5 days! Yes you read right! That’s when most of us are still dealing with leaky boobs and all sorts of ghastly post pregnancy body issues that no one ever tells us about or dares to mention.

Kudos to Lee Ann!
